Why Choose us for you dental procedures
Experience and Expertise
- Newcastle Sleep Dental is one of the only purely dedicated IV sedation dental surgeries in New South Wales.
- Newcastle Sleep Dental only uses specialist medical anaesthetic for sedating patients.
- Newcastle Sleep Dental has a registered nurse with specialised anaesthetic qualifications assisting our highly experienced anaesthetist. All dentists and medical anaesthetists have more than 15 years of experience.
- All our Sleep Dental team have training and expertise and experience in treating patients with high level of fear of dental treatment. We have been treating extremely dentally phobic patients for over 15 years. Numerous dental practices locally and regionally refer patients to our facility for treatment.
Safety and Care
- Newcastle Sleep Dental has modern and specialised medical monitoring, both while undergoing the procedure and during recovery. This specialised equipment is very similar to medical monitoring equipment used in major hospitals.
- Newcastle Dental has a designated recovery room with modern medical monitoring. Our registered nurse will monitor your recovery, and assist after the dental procedure.
- All Newcastle Sleep Dental patients are screened for suitability for IV sedation by our dentists and anaesthetist.
- If patient is not suitable we are happy to offer the procedure under a general anaesthetic at Lingard Hospital
Our highly experience team for all procedures includes.
- Dentist
- Specialist Anaesthestist
- Registered Nurse with Anaesthetic qualifications
- Two dental assistants.
- One practice coordinator
- Sterilising Nurse